Thursday, September 30, 2010

new random drawings

i saw an old Looney Tunes animal actor movie called, "orange blossoms for violet" where most of the actors were monkeys. monkeys make good actors. then the next day i saw a video online where a monkey was riding a goat on a trapeze highwire. the monkey did a handstand while the goat balanced on a tin can that was on the wire. it was amazing.

i doubt giraffes seem invisible. i'm amazed by stupid camoflauge.

a few toxicjOE cartoons

i came up with the toxicjOE idea a few years ago. it started off fairly crude. i couldn't find the "original" on my computer.. i'll keep looking. but toxicjOE has an unwanted superpower where everything he loves turns against him in monster form. so if he found a pretty flower, it would turn into a mutant/monster and chase him away. his sidekick is Sludgeboy. Sludgeboy has the unwanted superpower of being able to eat anything and poop out corn. the government is after him to capitalize on the recent ethanol trend. they are on the run together. sludgeboy leaves a greasy film everywhere he goes. he can also sometimes turn the monsters back to their original form... but not always. i did quite a few of them. the crude "non-digital" ones have yet to be added.

adventure beardcomb ads

these are a few of the ads i did for the adventure beard comb. i guess i should have actually sold some. there seemed to be some interest: