Saturday, December 18, 2010


i've admittedly been lazy as of late with getting stuff out. i've been working more on music than art. sorry. i WILL have a new series entitled, "royalty of my generation" coming out within the next month.
in the mean time here is a submission i did for Heatlightnin', a zine.
submitted content was supposed to be something that scares you.
also, a comission for batman villians i did last month.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

found some old toxicjOE stuff

here are some of the originals done in markers. eesh. the bottom one is my very first rendition.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

new random drawings

i saw an old Looney Tunes animal actor movie called, "orange blossoms for violet" where most of the actors were monkeys. monkeys make good actors. then the next day i saw a video online where a monkey was riding a goat on a trapeze highwire. the monkey did a handstand while the goat balanced on a tin can that was on the wire. it was amazing.

i doubt giraffes seem invisible. i'm amazed by stupid camoflauge.

a few toxicjOE cartoons

i came up with the toxicjOE idea a few years ago. it started off fairly crude. i couldn't find the "original" on my computer.. i'll keep looking. but toxicjOE has an unwanted superpower where everything he loves turns against him in monster form. so if he found a pretty flower, it would turn into a mutant/monster and chase him away. his sidekick is Sludgeboy. Sludgeboy has the unwanted superpower of being able to eat anything and poop out corn. the government is after him to capitalize on the recent ethanol trend. they are on the run together. sludgeboy leaves a greasy film everywhere he goes. he can also sometimes turn the monsters back to their original form... but not always. i did quite a few of them. the crude "non-digital" ones have yet to be added.

adventure beardcomb ads

these are a few of the ads i did for the adventure beard comb. i guess i should have actually sold some. there seemed to be some interest:

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

unicorns are deformed

i think the unicorns horn is really a deformity. who's to say that they are majestic?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

frat boys

i've never cared for fratboys... but the one redeeming quality they have is that they look just as dumb dancing as every other white guy in america.

jobs i'd like to have.

i'm for hire if you're interested.

picklewresting championship

pickle wins the championship belt.

kill all walruses

this graph proves that due to the melting of the ice caps, the walrus will be forced to grow wings to fly to other iced areas futher north. it will also assist with breaking of ice. the walrus will have to fly and fall to use its immense weight along with its tusks to break the ice. eventually, this will break off more ice, that will in turn, also melt.
Recommendation: kill all walruses to save the world.

the evolution of cats

eventually cats with evolve to have two butts... just to ensure they can crap in as many places as possible.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

iowa city

After years of deliberation, i've finally moved to iowa city. this will be an adventure that i've been looking forward to for quite some time. I'm from Waterloo, Ia. where there is almost nothing for art/music/entertainment. i've moved in with my best friend and despite only keeping a job for two weeks and having to move again in a month, everything seems to be going ok. i don't know if i'm trying to convice myself of this to justify the move or not, but i'm looking forward to being poverty level poor for the next year. i think that it will make me lose attachments to all of my toys and possessions. i might even have to sell some of the to get by. who knows? iowa city doesn't really have any decent job opportunities. i've been scouring craigslist and other websites daily. the property values around here are through the roof and i wonder where these people are working to be able to afford $1300/mo rent. In waterloo, i was making $13/hr and could barely afford a house at $500/mo. Most jobs around here are slightly above minimum wage. with this being said, i think i'll have to find something that i don't completely hate, do lots of art to sell for profit, keep internet and maybe start a website to pander my goods. i might even decide to get back in the dating field if it gets that bad. (been using buddhism as an excuse for not dating).
Since i accidentally slept through work on monday, i've decided for the time being, to take a few weeks off and just enjoy the summer. it will give me the opportunity to unwind, socialize, familiarize myself with the area and get some creative juices flowing.
jobs are the death of creativity. My roomate and i were thinking about starting up a "creative consultants" business. He had a great example: if you give a pen and paper to a random person and ask them to draw they will say, "i can't draw, i can't even make a stick figure". in actuality just scribbling on the paper constitutes drawing. we can capitalize on the misconception that people can't be creative. People have been bred to believe that they need to follow some rigid outline of life, which excludes being creative. the formula for "success" in america seems to be "mirror what Mr. Successfull Corporate guy" does.
Mr. Corporate guy can't even dress himself. he hides behinds suits because they are safe. so we plan on giving advice and taking on any projects that people need done that require any sort of creative outlet. graphic design, drawing/painting, advertisements, interior design, sculptures, photography, etc.
i think most people have creativity, but have been taught to doubt and fear it. i'm not afraid.
i feel like a caterpillar just starting to change.
i can't wait to fly.