Wednesday, July 21, 2010

frat boys

i've never cared for fratboys... but the one redeeming quality they have is that they look just as dumb dancing as every other white guy in america.

jobs i'd like to have.

i'm for hire if you're interested.

picklewresting championship

pickle wins the championship belt.

kill all walruses

this graph proves that due to the melting of the ice caps, the walrus will be forced to grow wings to fly to other iced areas futher north. it will also assist with breaking of ice. the walrus will have to fly and fall to use its immense weight along with its tusks to break the ice. eventually, this will break off more ice, that will in turn, also melt.
Recommendation: kill all walruses to save the world.

the evolution of cats

eventually cats with evolve to have two butts... just to ensure they can crap in as many places as possible.